Thursday, May 7, 2009

Yokomo BD-5 worthy CS chassis?

Well from what I have heard the new Yok BD-5 is going to be a very competive top of the line chassis right out of the box. I have even heard that it has already gotten the lap record at yatabe when it was being tested, we will just have to see what this chassis has in store for the world of on road racing.
Back to drifting, some have wondered whether this car could be a worthy CS car and i don't see why not. The current BDM is a very stable platform for countersteer drifting and the setup to make it that way is relatively easy once you figure it out. It most importantly has a two belt setup that is pivotal for an overdrive setup.

Im not so sure on the steering arrangment however, it looks as thought they may have gone with more of the Hot Bodies cyclone "single block" steering setup that may prove difficult to get more lock out of. We will see, im sure we will see one of these drifting sooner rather than later!

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