Monday, June 1, 2009

Week 4 Update

Well guys, my CS Rayspeed is starting to come around. I found out that added front rear kickup helps in reducing off throttle understeer, something that has been plaging my setup since the start. Katsumi-san tried it out on his BD as well and he said that it worked very well, making countersteer in tighter corners way easier! Great to know that I found something that may prove benifical to other CS endevours! Im still looking for more off throttle oversteer so this next week i think im going to be trying some harder springs than the Yok Ti hards that im already sporting. I also again experienced loss of RWD this past Sunday so I bought the Aluminum rear input shaft (SD-303AR) and will be drilling it to put a pin though it by next weekend. I will try to take pictures of my rear input shaft by next weekend! School has been keeping me busy!

Monday, May 25, 2009

PS13boys 13B!!!

Hey guys, stumbled upon this today. I really am pretty speechless!

Week 3 update

Hey guys, it's a marathon drift weekend, 3 days of drifting over this Memorial Day weekend. Ran the car on Saturday with the same settings I had last week, the car just isn't carrying the counter steer the way I would like it to. So I decided to switch out my medium springs to hard springs in the rear. This helped a bit, where I am lacking the counter is in the slow speed tight corners so I decided to lower the rear of the car with some droop. I lowered the car from about 13mm (rally car status :)) to about 7mm. In conjunction with that I decided to replace my long shock boots to the shorter ones and I also stood the rear stocks more upright. Even with the stock 17T input gear I am able to counter quite substancially in the tight corners, and the car still remains drivable. I'm going to go again today and hopefully try a little more to get a bit more countersteer. I will try to post up some pics of my chassis today so you guys can see what im talking about. Happy Memorial Day!

P.S. Thank you Katsumi-san for making the video!

Week 2 disappointment

Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted any updates in over a week and a half, been real busy with real life stuff. But anyway the weekend of the 16Th -17Th turned out to be quite disappointing. I epoxied the input gear to the rear shaft with JB weld and waited the minimum amount of time for it to cure. The car ran great for about 2 hours until the rear input gear again began to slip as it had the previous week.

Going into this weekend I re-epoxied the gear and shaft and am putting it aside until next weekend to try. Above is the 18T epoxied gear compared to the stock Yokomo 17T input gear.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

New bodies from Yokomo and ABC

Hey guys, was just looking around for some rc related news when i saw this:

New Yokomo 1083 speed Zenki S14 silvia!
And a nice Mk3 supra! (now maybe Eric can do a replica :))

Sunday, May 10, 2009

First Weekend

Hey guys, went to Arai this weekend with the intent of setting up my overdrive setup. Got there and asked Katsumi-san what camber setup I should be running with my medium Kawada tires. He told me to check the camber of the front tires and adjust it to between -5 deg's and -7 deg's, for the rear he told me to run either -1 or -2 deg's. I choose to ran -5 deg's and -1 deg at first for front and rear respectively. The car ran pretty good but the rear end just didn't seem to be coming out good enough on the slow speed corners. Katsumi suggested i change my super soft springs in the rear to mediums, and that really did the trick. I also changed my rear camber to -2 deg's which also tremendously helped the countersteer around low speed/low throttle corners. The car ran great on Saturday night, I had a few issues with the car all of a sudden losing its rear wheel drive. But it would all of a sudden fix itself so I became confused. I checked the front diff quite frequently for wear between the metal imput gear and the plastic ring gear and I found a small pile of plastic shavings at the bottom of the diff case by the end of the night.
By sunday the problem with the loss of rear wheel drive continued almost continually every 15 mins which wasn't very fun. I also spent a large part of the Sunday session shimming and reshimming the front diff gears in order to remesh the gears to prevent more gear wear. Val was kind enough to give me some Anti wear grease that i applied liberally to the front diff gears, hopefully that will slow down the wear process! The problem with the loss of rear wheel drive continued almost continually every 15 mins which wasn't very fun.I soon found out that the rear imput gear had come lose from the imput shaft which was causing the random loss of RWD. I tried going back to the stock 16T imput gear and had limited success with keeping counter steer, so this week i hope to solve my problems with the 18T imput so that I wont have to worry about reliablilty.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Counter Dori Body!

Hey guys, just giving you a sneek peak at my new body im making for the countersteer endevours. My other bodies are all pretty old and beat up so its time for something new. Now the race begins, will I have it finished by todays session? We will see.....

Thursday, May 7, 2009

~~Japanese RC Culture~~

Now we have all seen trucks and trailers before right?

I like the paper cut out dude......

Looks nice driving around.....

Wait a sec, whats going on????

LOL a truck drivers worst nightmare haha, gotta be some interesting tandems!

Yokomo BD-5 worthy CS chassis?

Well from what I have heard the new Yok BD-5 is going to be a very competive top of the line chassis right out of the box. I have even heard that it has already gotten the lap record at yatabe when it was being tested, we will just have to see what this chassis has in store for the world of on road racing.
Back to drifting, some have wondered whether this car could be a worthy CS car and i don't see why not. The current BDM is a very stable platform for countersteer drifting and the setup to make it that way is relatively easy once you figure it out. It most importantly has a two belt setup that is pivotal for an overdrive setup.

Im not so sure on the steering arrangment however, it looks as thought they may have gone with more of the Hot Bodies cyclone "single block" steering setup that may prove difficult to get more lock out of. We will see, im sure we will see one of these drifting sooner rather than later!

whole lot of vinyl! PT1

Hey guys, just thought I would up date you on my next body that has been on the back burner for quite some time. More details coming soon!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

CS Rayspeed Underway!

Well guys, this is my first update in quite a while. I just got done installing my Rayspeed SD Overdrive mod, and I am looking forward to testing it out today. I took it out on the street yesterday on used Yok single rings and it felt pretty good but I obviously need some more tuning in the steering in order for the car to have constant countersteer. I will keep you updated this weekend as i make changes to the steering geometry. Stay tuned....

BTW here is a link to an overdrive mod that was done to a yok MR-4TC SD. This is practically identical to what i did.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Well this is my first attempt at blogging, hoping to get to know how to do it better and possibly share some of my knowledge and experiences with you guys about rc drifting! Cya soon